There are many housing options available in Jamesburg. The majority of them are single detached homes. The housing options include multi family homes, mobile homes, apartments, condos, and townhomes.
The cost of living in Jamesburg is 114.5. Housing is the biggest factor considered there in the cost of living. The Jamesburg’s housing is 2.5% higher than the last 10 years.
The real estate of Jamesburg is quite competitive. The average sale price of a house was $252900 since the last 10 years, i.e. it went down by 7.4%. 38.8% of Jamesburg population make for renters.
Jamesburg has some interesting places to live in and make life. The most popular areas to live in Jamesburg are South River, South Bound Brook, Florence, Pine Lake Park, South Amboy, White Horse, and Carteret.
The residents living in Jamesburg enjoy a dense suburban feeling. The majority of the residents rent their homes here. There are a bunch of flats with access to rivers and private pools. The city also offers stunning views and it is a peaceful place to make a life. This city is also well-known for its natural views along with beach hues. Jamesburg is a peaceful and safe place to live with your family. Out of 413 suburbs, Jamesburg ranks 116th in terms of diversity. If you are looking for a soothing and calm lifestyle, you can live in Jamesburg.